Pharmed Healthcare

Better Life is Our Goal.
Pharmed Healthcare is a customer-centric company that aims for bringing innovation from the leading pharmaceutical manufacturers with distinctive quality to guarantee safety, integrity, and efficiency with the commitment to excellence in customer satisfaction.
Is offering a total solution package, serving all operational and administration obligations on a mutually agreed terms for MENA markets.
Provides full support to every step of the way guiding through company/site registration, marketing authorization, launch and product life-cycle management.
Assures the partnering companies a strong foundation of experience and knowledge to optimize the potential and leverage their capabilities beyond ordinary.
As integral part of services PharMed is responsible to cover financial, logistic, distribution, regulatory and pharmacovigilance obligations.
Our Vision
To Be one of the leading and innovative healthcare companies in the Middle East and Africa to provide a healthy life for all our customers.
Our Mission
Pharmed is a customer-centric organization, that aims for bringing innovation with distinctive quality brands to guarantee safety and efficacy.
Our goal is to provide solutions that help people to realize a healthy life by adding value through a wide range of innovative and reliable products’ categories (Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals, and Food Supplements).

CEO’s Message

Dr. Mahmoud Samir
CEO Message:
We at PharMed, committed to help people live happy, active, and healthy.
Pharmed Healthcare is a fast-growing customer-centric company that aims to bring innovative products to its patients and consumers in the region of the Middle East and Africa.
Our main goal is to add value to our customers’ lives by bringing high-quality and distinctive products to guarantee safety and efficacy that helps realize a healthy life for all people
We are specialized in products’ development, regulatory, value supply chain, sales, and marketing of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and food supplements in the Gulf region and our mission is to expand our business activities to all Middle East and African markets during the next three years to serve a wider geography of our patients and consumers.
We demonstrated a high standard of quality and services towards our manufacturers, principals, and distributors in the region along with exceptional and continuous development and care toward our teams to ensure a high level of motivational and productive culture.
Our Business is Established in the UAE
Based in Dubai Health Care City, UAE
Pharmed Healthcare traditional business model hinges on the ability to identify promising new molecules and promote them with an extensive marketing and sales presence. In the predominant version of this model, a single company may employ contractors to supplement its own efforts, but it seeks to generate profits on its own. In essence, it pursues what might be called a “profit alone” path.
But, now, the strategy of singlehandedly placing big bets on a few molecules, marketing them heavily and turning them into blockbusters will not suffice. As J.P. Garnier, former chief executive of GlaxoSmithKline, recently pointed out, it is a “business model where you are guaranteed to lose your entire book of business every 10 to 12 years”. More importantly still, it is a business model that will no longer meet the market’s needs. Management guru Clay Christensen has convincingly demonstrated how disruptive innovations in various industries have dismantled the prevailing business model, by enabling new players to target the least profitable customer segments and gradually move upstream until they can satisfy the demands of every customer–at which point the old business model collapses.
Pharma is currently undergoing just such a period of disruptive innovation. Most medicines will be paid for on the basis of the results they deliver–and since many factors influence outcomes, this means that it will have to move into the health management space, both to preserve the value of its products and to avoid being side lined by new players. If it is to make ground breaking new medicines for which governments and health insurers are prepared to pay premium prices, it will also have to build the relationships and infrastructure required to ensure that it can get access to the outcomes data they collect. In short, the rules of the game are shifting dramatically. And, as Michael G. Jacobides, Associate Professor of Strategic and International Management at the London Business School, notes, when an entire “industry architecture” is transformed, it is not only “who does what” that changes, it is also “who takeswhat”.4 By 2020, no pharmaceutical company will be able to “profit alone”. It will, rather, have to “profit together”, by joining forces with a wide range of organisations, from academic institutions, hospitals and technology providers to companies offering compliance programmes, nutritional advice, stress management, physiotherapy, exercise facilities, health screening and other such services.
Our Business

Operational Structure
PharMed operates through its regional head office in Dubai, UAE
Commercial & Logistic Hub: Kuwait City, Kuwait.
KSA Scientific Office: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
EGY Scientific Office: Cairo, Egypt.